I’m trying to deploy this quickstart example, Quickstart: Customer Registry with Kafka in Java :: Kalix Documentation, and I can create the project, build and deploy it, but I can’t seem to invoke any grpc calls, after starting the proxy. I get the error
Error invoking method “customer.api.CustomerService/Create”: failed to query for service descriptor “customer.api.CustomerService”: server does not support the reflection API
looking in the console, I see it’s unhealthy but nothing in the logs to help.
I can see in the logs that the service was running after 19:23 CEST (I’m guessing that correlates with 10:22 in your timezone), so probably the start up of the service took a bit longer, we are looking into the causes of those slow starts.
Thanks for checking! I found that it works when I use the grpc web client,, i can invoke successfully, but it still does not work if I use the CLI
alperakture@AAkture-Mac-01 section-3 % grpcurl
-d ‘{
“customer_id”: “abc123”,
“email”: “someone@example.com”,
“name”: “Someone”,
“address”: {
“street”: “123 Some Street”,
“city”: “Somewhere”
–plaintext localhost:8080
Error invoking method “customer.api.CustomerService/Create1”: failed to query for service descriptor “customer.api.CustomerService”: server does not support the reflection API