Repeated as request and response also in list

Hi , In view I need to send request in list and return also in list. Is my query right?
repeated string customerIds

“SELECT sales_opportunity_id, opportunity_id, product_type, created_date_time, customers, sales_stage, expectedSaleAmount FROM sales_opportunity where :customerIds = ANY(”

in response i am getting grpc: client streaming protocol violation: get , want >> customer is a list when try to query with list customerId request while customer has two value then there is no response.

“SELECT sales_opportunity_id, opportunity_id, product_type, created_date_time, customers, sales_stage, expected_sale_amount
FROM sales_opportunity where = Any(:customerIds)”

Need help for fix this issue.

Do I understand it right when I think it is repeated on “both” sides, customers is a list in the view protobuf message and so is customerIds in your message?

If that is the case it is not currently supported, the Any comparison will have to be about looking for a single value in a repeated field.

You can likely achieve the result you are aiming for by using two different tables in the view and a join though.

Thanks , I will check from my side.

Hi Johanandren,
You can likely achieve the result you are aiming for by using two different tables in the view and a join though. >>> can get some examples for this approach.

Sorry, I think I was wrong about that, I don’t think there is a way to do what you want right now other than to change the request to only include one customer id and repeatedly query the view for all of the ids you are interested in.

We have an internal feature ticket tracking extending views with the capability to do something that would allow ... where ANY(:customerIds) = ANY( in your query but I can’t say when that will be implemented.