I’m getting below only when I use Case inside SELECT statement, requirement is return true incase of atleast 1 record returned by select else false in case of no record, could you please check and suggest?
Expected: from\n\nTo fix this issue, correct the query:\nSELECT CASE WHEN COUNT(*) >= 1 THEN true ELSE false END AS result FROM connection JOIN borrower ON borrower.connection_id = connection.connection_id JOIN guarantee ON guarantee.connection_id = connection.connection_id WHERE connection.connection_id = :connection_id AND :party_id = ANY(connection.member.member_type) AND :party_id = ANY(borrower.borrowers.party_id) AND :party_id = ANY(guarantee.guarantors.party_id) \n ^\n\n\nAt ui_view/view/ui_view.proto:20:1:\nservice ActiveCustomerView {\n option (kalix.codegen) = {\n view: {}\n };\n option (kalix.service).acl.allow = {principal: ALL};\n",“context”:“default”,“severity”:“ERROR”}
Note: enabled Advanced view feature